This pair of doors took me close to 3 months, nights and weekends, of course. One single door can be done in 2-4 weeks depending on other things going on, for comparison.
Here are the doors in process being dry fitted ion the shop before final finish (the panels are pre-finished before glue-up)
And the initial installation:
And 2 shots of the final installation with trim in place:
I mentioned the hardware. Here are a couple shots of prepping that and getting it in place in the door frame. Expensive too - the hardware alone for this one door was over $700, but that is what is takes for a special situation like this.
I wanted to get a few doors done this winter, but the double doors took so long I only got one more done - the Master bath main door:
After that, there were several smaller things including some shop projects and then i did the entertainment center. Now you have to realize we had not invested anything in a a new TV since, ooohhhh... here is the 32" TUBE TV in all it's glory....
Before I started. you can see the drawers are underway back under the stone bench, but I had not done too much yet.
...And in it's final resting place at the recycle center. Yes, we were that far behind on TV technology, but it wasn't used a lot, so didn't phase us much...
And the new setup. The 65" flat screen is on a swivel mount so it can swing out and be tilted any which way. We have it tilted down slightly as it is mounted a bit higher than seated eye level. I built a shelf above the stone bench to help define the space a bit and some drawers below for storage of discs and such. The subwoofer is under there too, on the right. Our former neighbor Ron is an A/V guy who does a lot of high end houses, and he set us up with all this. Nice to have someone who knows this stuff helping out. Click on image for a larger view, as always.
And that was it for the winter and spring. The double doors really killed me for time. After the entertainment center, I started on wrapping up the screen porches from last fall. That is well underway as of this date (6/28/19) and I am starting to look for contractors to make the screens now. After that is another huge project that is getting going - the finished stairs!
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